Why You Should Call The Pros About Rodents In Your McKinney Home


Local Rodents

The most common rodents you’ll find in McKinney include house mice, Norwegian rats, roof rats, and, occasionally, wood rats. Rats and mice tend not to occupy the same areas, however. Mice prefer grains, thrive in tight spaces, and are more common in rural areas than rats. Rats prefer human garbage, which makes them natural urbanites and easily overrun mice in a competition for food.

  • House Mice: House mice are notably tinier than rats (about 2-4 inches in length). They range from gray to brown, with big ears, slender frames, and pointed noses. They enjoy snacking on grains, seeds, and sweet foods, but will also settle for other treats. House mice nest throughout homes, even in the walls, and burrow under furniture and appliances.
  • Roof Rats: Roof rats, as you may have suspected, prefer to shelter in roofs and attics. They are black with long tails and are notably larger than mice. Roof rats like to eat fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. However, like many other rodents, they will settle for other edibles as well.
  • Norway Rats: Norway rats (also known as brown rats) are heavier, longer, and often have thinner fur than roof rats. Norway rats are not skilled at climbing and like to nest at lower levels. They will feast on plants and animals, but prefer plants and need a lot of water. Norway rats are disease-carriers and need to be removed quickly!
  • Wood Rats: Wood rats prefer rural areas and, thus, are less likely to invade homes that are not in sparsely populated areas. They can grow to more than a foot in length and can weigh more than a pound. Woodrats are mostly grey and have large nests.

Signs And Dangers Of Rodents

How do you spot these rodents? Rodents tend to be active all year but will come inside during changes in weather, construction, or through an attraction to pet food left out. Eliminating food, shelter, and sources of water is a solid step in reducing rodents. Signs of infestation include droppings, bite marks, nests, burrows in the ground or under the foundation, and sounds (such as clawing, squeaks, climbing, and gnawing).

Rodents are not just inconvenient but carry their own sets of dangers. They create untold amounts of property damage, can carry diseases, and contaminate any area they move across. Never touch rodent droppings or carcasses directly but always wear covering over your hands when removing bodies or waste. Be sure to wash your hands when coming into contact!

Avoid DIY Methods

It’s tempting to try and handle rodent problems through do-it-yourself methods, but there are many issues with going this route. First, it can be extremely difficult as these animals breed quickly, and it’s never possible without professional help to gauge the full extent of an infestation. The rate of success is likely to be much lower than the increasing rate of infestation. Not to mention, rodents quickly contaminate homes with their presence and carry diseases. Finally, do-it-yourself methods involve investment in equipment and chemicals (which can be hazardous to humans and animals). The frustration, effort, expense, and potential danger of these methods don’t compare with the faster, safer, and more effective results achieved from professional rodent control!

Call The Professionals

The best and safest way to attack a rodent issue is by contacting professionals. Big D Pest & Termite Services is here to walk you through each step of the process and provide a 90-day warranty on our control services. Don’t leave the well-being of your family and home to chance. Contact us today so that you can go back to enjoying all that your home and North Texas have to offer!

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